Monday, January 5, 2009


Monday, January 5, 2009
shirt x 3 [15+15+(79.90 - 70%)] = 53.97 (round up)=53.95
jeans x 1 = 139 - 80% = 27.80
shoes x 1 = 79.90 -20% = 63.92 (round up) = 63.90
total spending for new year = 145.65 (WTF.. )
1st time spending so much zzz
new year's resolutions:
1) last semester, giv all i have to prove im not weak [im really not tat weak, dammit]
2) MUZ spend time looking/reading/learning market movement
3) hope there will be no more time for gaming, need control myself
4) focus/create/think BIG for future


Design by Pocket (edited by me =P)